Morpheus Human Consulting

Working together effectively: Four tips to get it right with Hiring Managers

Working together effectively: Four tips to get it right with Hiring Managers

Did you know that 56% of recruiters claim the biggest bottleneck is hiring managers moving candidates through the hiring stages and a further 43% say it is hiring managers reviewing resumes?

That’s a lot of disgruntled relationships with hiring managers! We’re going to guess while you might not have known the exact number, the general consensus doesn’t surprise you. While this common problem hasn’t been overly affected by COVID-19, there are some evergreen issues that need addressing. Here’s are four tips to help get the most out of your hiring managers.

3. Make it about them

If it’s continually difficult to get your hiring managers on board, have a think about how you phrase your needs. Are you framing your requests in regard to what you need? Try rephrasing to frame your request around what the hiring manager needs. For better or worse, people are more likely to do things which benefit themselves.

Don’t say Do say
  • I need you to review this shortlist of candidates for me.
  • I’ve found some candidates for you that I think would be great for your team. Could you see which ones you would want to bring in for an interview?
  • Could you review this job description and let me know if it’s accurate?
  • I want to make sure we get the right candidate for you. Do you have a few minutes to run through this job description?

It’s a small change. But reminding the hiring manager that ultimately your tasks are to benefit them, can help get them see them as something other than just another to-do that can be delayed.

4. Make the hiring manager experience as positive as possible

Like anyone in your hiring process, consider their experience as not only an opportunity to improve, but also to help set you up for future success. Listen to their needs, not only for the role, but also to fulfil what you need them to do for you. Is there any tech that could help? By considering what obstacles they might experience, you will be better prepared to deal with them. Making the hiring manager experience a positive one will not only make future interactions with them easier, but also will encourage them to talk positively of the experience with other hiring managers in your organisation.

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