Morpheus Human Consulting

Charity Begins at Home

Charity Begins at Home

Charity is always a good thing that all people should do and advice others to do. In this world, many people are unfortunate who have lost their families and become alone. For these people many organizations are working, which are taking care of poor and helpless people. Here we are taking about the famous phrase “Charity begins at home” that is completely about donation or charity but also indicates the importance of family members in our life.

Charity influences and affects many people by different ways like positive impact of charity on those people who are helped and assisted but sometime, negative impact on those who are ignored and neglected due to this action of charity like own family members. Some people just forget that their family needs the more attention and also the money which they are donating to other places just for show off or due to the human nature of social worker. The phrase “Charity begins at home” completely suits these kinds of people.

Good person has always left good impression on others and their good actions like charity are counted as noble act and an inspiration for others. Feeling of real charity means a soft desire of a person, who wants to offer something to the needy people, while meeting the needs of his family first.

Nature of kindness of a person being in form of charity done for the noble cause is always good and should be followed by everyone. In fact, we should teach our children about the importance of charity which we do for the needy people. Charity should be always done in this manner that one hand could not get to know that other hand has donated something to the needy people. Various unfortunate people are residing in this world who are poor, helpless and alone in this world. Several places are made for the survival of these people which are known as orphanage, old age home or some organizations which are operating through charitable trust. To help these places, people should always contribute by offering money or some other essential things that those people require like clothes, food, education, toys and books for kids.

One thing that all should keep in mind before helping others that, your family members are fully comfortable and satisfied with all they have and doesn’t affect negatively by your charity. People who follow this rule are the real person and admirable by all.

Many situations come in life when you should think of yourself first, some people will refer it as selfishness but it is a prime concern to take care of your family and friends first before helping others and thus someone has truly said that “Charity begins at home”.

Another example of this phrase “Charity begins at home” can be defined in other way like now-a-days in our country, many people are preferred to work in foreign countries after completing education from here. In spite of helping in increasing the economy of our country by doing service here, people migrate to the other countries just because of the external beauty and advance technology of that country. Same as, a man who is living in a village before completing his education and after completing his studies he just moves to metro cities, in spite of doing services for his village or his home town he prefers to live and do a job in metro cities. These are the major and suitable examples of this phrase of “Charity begins at home”.

The home, the society and the country should be your first priority as people need your full support, efforts and consideration. We all should not neglect or ignore it, thus we say that charity begins at home. Once you ensure that your family, society or country are well established and in well situation then you can help others and do charity for them.

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