Morpheus Human Consulting

5 Tips to Acing Your Phone Interview

5 Tips to Acing Your Phone Interview

Fantastic resume submitted.


Now, get ready for the phone to ring! Acing the first contact from a recruiter or hiring manager is just as important as the in-person interview. Here are five easy steps to make sure you shine.

1. Be Prepared

Track each and every opportunity you submit your resume for with the following information:

Have this info in a place that’s handy—you never know when a call will come in. Don’t be caught off guard: there are few things that’ll set a recruiter off more than a potential candidate who doesn’t remember the job.

2. Time to Talk

When the call comes in, evaluate your surroundings. If it’s not a clear, comfortable place for you to talk, let the call go to voicemail or answer the call and respectfully let the recruiter know that now is not a good time to speak, but you’d like their name and number and will call back in 15 minutes.

It’s much better to delay for a few minutes, get somewhere quiet, and collect your thoughts than it is to muddle your first impression with background noise or distractions. When you quickly return the call, be ready to talk in a quiet, disturbance-free environment. Of course, have your information in hand to be ready to speak about the company, position, and your fabulous experience and qualities!

3. Voicemail

You may not always get to your phone when the recruiter calls. In that case, your voicemail becomes your first impression. Make it a good one. Voicemail often gets overlooked, but it can make the difference between the recruiter leaving a message or passing you by. Things to avoid:

4. Gum

This one is easy. No gum. No food. Nothing in your mouth to distract from your message.

5. Name and Number

Before you even start the conversation, get the full name and contact information of the recruiter or hiring manager you are speaking with. Don’t wait until the end because:

Follow these tips, and you’ll land the interview without a doubt!

Also for tips on telephonic interview visit here


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