Morpheus Human Consulting

9 Habits of Every Successful Recruiter !!

 Have you ever wondered why good specialists are sometimes rejected by one company as unprofessional, yet accepted by another as a gem? The “army” of any company hugely depends on its recruiter skills. Some of them have those qualities, others don’t, losing their best candidates without even listening to them.

Being a recruiter is a difficult job, as you have to also be psychologists, business planners, market researchers, social studies specialists, etc. Working with people, judging their skills and character, foreseeing their behavior within the company’s team – it’s a hard-to-accomplish work.

1. Be responsive.

A recruiter that responds openly and clearly to every question is always more valuable. Candidates feel more confident having some information about the company and knowing their inquiries will be answered as quickly as possible. Also, make sure you keep a professional yet friendly tone, to make people feel comfortable.

2. Be patient and listen.

The ability to listen is one of the most important recruiter skill, as many candidates have something to say. In many cases, the stories applicants tell can show a lot of their qualities, which may be useful for the company. It’s important to listen to both the candidates and managers who need new employees, and state requirements for them.

3. Involve other employees.

Turns out, 52% of content shared by any company’s employees, in persona or online, is trusted by applicants. Let them talk to current employees, ask the latter to post information about the company on social networks, and you will be trusted. It’s logical, as more people would trust a friend who works for the company than its marketing department.

4. Add personal touch.

Sometimes recruiters judge candidates by the first impression: their appearance, clothes, way of talking etc. However, when attending an interview, a person hardly knows what attitude or way of talking is required, not mentioning standard rules. Allow yourself to use your recruiter skills to work on the person, guide them to the right place. Candidates often become the best employees if you add your personal touch, by having a good talk to them and giving them a piece of advice.

5. Foresee the future.

Every company must have some plans for the future: new projects, new ways of operating, etc. Look into these plans when talking to a candidate, and see if they fit into the future of the company. The person may be not the best choice for now but could be vital in a couple of months, and you want them to be already used to the company’s rules and operations when you need them.

6. Manage your time.

Time management is one of the best recruiter skills, as there’s a lot to do. Make sure you manage your time well, and don’t delay reviewing resumes you get. Even a couple of days may determine whether you will get a top candidate or not.

7. Have a modern vision.

In the age of online activities, it’s almost impossible to keep being modern without using the advantages of the internet. A good recruiter will use anything that can potentially improve their search. Use social media to advertise vacancies, find people, and answer simple questions. This will save you much time and effort, give more candidates a chance to interview, and help choose the right person. Only 33% of employers use such an approach, so you have a chance to be in the progressive third.

8. Cooperate with the manager.

Get a perfect understanding of what your manager wants by cooperating with them. Update the manager about every candidate that catches your attention and don’t hesitate if you need to update them on any further requirements. This will make the process of choosing the right candidate more productive.

9. Keep top applicants engaged.

Don’t make top applicants think you aren’t interested in them anymore, or they will start their search again. Encourage them to contact you with further questions, ask some yourself, invite them for another interview, or give them test assignments.

Be loyal and communicate well, give recommendations, and keep candidates engaged in the process. Think about the future of the company and whether the person will fit in, and use modern technologies to get a wider view. The aforementioned recruiter skills are simple and proven to be useful for many companies.


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