Morpheus Human Consulting

Commonly asked questions in Interviews

If you are going for your first interview, you will be anxious to know what questions they are going to ask you and what you will answer. The key in acing your interview is by answering those questions in the right way.

here are some of the questions that most Employers ask while hiring for their Company.

So tell me about yourself

We assure you that you will come across this question and the best way to answer this is by shortening your life story and by being conscience about what is relevant to getting you that job. Start with saying your name, where you are from, what you are doing/studying and why you are here for this interview.

Why do you want to work here?

Don’t be rash and say something like “I need money to pay back my loans or I need this job for my visa status “say something that connects your needs with the companies need. Do a research on why the company is looking for candidates and relate to what they are looking for.

What are your greatest strengths?

Keep this as job related as possible by relating to a job or skill that you know to be an asset of yours. “I like traveling and making new friends” is not a good answer.

What are you greatest weakness?

This question is asked to test your honesty. However, you don’t have to be too blunt in explaining all your weakness. If you don’t know how to use some software or have less experience in a field, let them know that.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

For this question, don’t give out any naïve answers. Say what you would achieve with this company or what post you want to hone by then. “I hope to have enhanced my experience in this field and hopefully I am working on bigger projects by then”

Tell me about a time you faced a challenge

Everyone must have faced a challenge at some point in your life. Talk about why you had that challenge and what you did to bounce back from it. You can also talk about what you had learned from this experience. Avoid answering anything over confident like “I have not faced any challenges yet”.


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