Morpheus Human Consulting

Six Interview Mistakes That Should Be Avoided


Following are the worst things that can happen in job interview:

Show up late or too early

You are trying to prove your worthiness for the job you are interviewing for, and showing up late is a sign of potentially poor behavior in the future. If an emergency comes up, try to call to let the interviewer know. Remember that it’s also best not to show up too early. If you arrive an hour early for your interview, you risk looking overeager, and you may also inconvenience the staff at the business.

Wear inappropriate clothes

In the long run, the work you perform will matter more than the clothes you wear at your job. However, first impressions matter, so you need to dress appropriately for your interview.

Badmouth a previous boss

It can be difficult to explain why you left a previous company or why you are looking to leave, and this is especially true if you have been fired in the past. However, resist the urge to badmouth a previous boss or coworkers. This will make you look spiteful and hard to get along with.

Job Priorities

Job seekers often think that other interviews or offers, if they even exist, will be seen as leverage to encourage the employer to give them the job right away, as if to scare them into thinking they will lose them if they don’t act now. The problem with that strategy, is that it will only work on someone who is desperate and lacks confidence in their ability to find another candidate

No Weakness

Every person has some weakness or fear not to tell them at the time of interview is for no good instead explain the weakness or fear with the added points of your efforts to overcome that weakness.

Be Unprepared

Being prepared will help you to do the best you can to prove you are a strong candidate for the job. Predict possible interview questions based on the position and the company, and prepare answers. Research the company ahead of time and prepare questions to ask. If you don’t have any questions to ask, you will look as if you are unprepared or might appear uninterested also.


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