Morpheus Human Consulting

What Should You Know Before Changing Careers?

  1. Make sure you can live on what your new career pays

Whatever your dream job is the first thing you need to do is make sure you can survive on whatever you’ll make. Research the positions you’re interested in and head over to Glassdoor to get the options regarding your career.

  1. Revise the skills required for that career

It goes without saying that before you can make a smooth move into a new career or field, you’ll need the skills required to be applicable in that field. Here are a few ways to get your skill set up to par:

  1. Get some experience in that

Getting a job with no experience is next to impossible,  Well, it’s not impossible to get some solid, usable experience in your chosen field without leaving the one you’re in. Here are a couple of options to show off—your experience in your chosen field.

Career Change Mistakes to Avoid: Following points should be avoided before making any change in your career field:

  1. Change in career without a plan:

Successful career change can often take months to accomplish when you have a strategy, so without one, you could end up adrift for an even longer period. Having a detailed action plan is essential to your success.

  1. Career change because you hate your job:

Don’t make the mistake of confusing hating your current job with hating your current career. Take the time to analyze whether it’s just the job/employer/boss that you hate, or whether it’s the career/skills/work that you dislike.

  1. Career change solely based on money/benefits

Certain career fields are very alluring because of the salary and other benefits they offer, but be very careful of switching careers because of all the dollar signs. Keep repeating to yourself, “money won’t buy me happiness.” Remember that you may make more money, but if you hate your new career, you’ll probably be spending that money on stress- and health-related expenses.

  1. Switch in career because of outside pressure

Don’t let your parents, significant others or anyone else influence your career choice. They don’t have to live that career every day, you do.So it is advisable not to switch careers

  1. Change in career without refreshing networks

Don’t ever attempt a career change alone. As soon as you have identified the career field you want to switch into, begin developing new network contacts within that field so that it can guide you throughout the transition. Networking is essential for all job-seekers, but even more so for career-changers.

  1. Career Change based on other’s success in that field

Don’t go behind to change the career because your best friend or neighbor is successful in a certain career. Do the research before jumping into it. Many job-seekers switch careers on the assumption that “Grasses are always greener on the other side”

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