Morpheus Human Consulting

HR Technology- Leading trends in India


Human resources is basically the professional field that involves optimizing relationships between employers and employees while simultaneously ensuring that both groups positively contribute to the functioning of the businesses or organizations.

Nowadays, recruiting, scheduling, employee training and the many other HR functions are being transformed by a sea of innovative software platforms and vendors.

Technology is one factor that is impacting the HR department to a great extent. The wave of technological transformation impacts the organizations in two ways- Firstly, it would offer numerous tools to better manage and engage the talent in organizations. Secondly, it is helping HR managers to shift their focus from managing workforce to driving profits to the company. 

The following are a few technological trends that bring a major change in human resources management software and industry

1)   Big Data Powers Organization:

Technology has transformed the monotony through HR platforms that digitize the                  information human resource needs. One such technological trend is Big Data, which is helping HR professionals to understand their customers, market to target audience group and communicate with prospective customers. When integrated with other technologies, Big Data helps to gain a deep insight and allows HR professionals to make decisions powered by vital information.

Big Data gives HR managers a fact-based view of the current workforce, and helps them to identify emerging trends. Moreover, analytics helps recruiters assess potential employees and let you make better risk management decisions.  

2)    Mobile Apps are the Future:

 Smartphone is likely to dominate the HR landscape this year. As the workforce across various operations seeking access to applications via mobile devices, companies are considering to adapt their HR systems. Delivering this kind of functionality implies that organizations will consider HR applications with mobilization process and the interface that employees are looking for. More on, the trend of creating applications that streamlines the basic HR functionality continues to evolve. Today, mobile apps have become essential for every application that a company develops.


3)   Social Media – A powerful tool:

 Social media plays an active in HR today, especially when it comes to recruitment. Around a quarter of employers are using social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn to recruit staff. HR departments can use social media not only for recruitment and for employee engagement. It is considered as a prime source for companies to reach their HR goals. Enterprises can use social media channels to reach target audience with job postings and other company related information. Few organizations use social media to tell their organization’s success story through photos, blog posts, Tumblr and Pinterest pages. And, job seekers are using these social networks to find about the company. It’s a good source to know what current and potential employees are saying about your company.

  Social media offers countless benefits to HR professionals and lets them to keep up with the news, technology and trends. You can nurture relationships by sharing the industry knowledge. All these reasons have made it an ideal platform to engage employees, build relationships and bolster communications in the work space. More companies will consider integrating applications with LinkedIn or Facebook instead of developing corporate applications in the future.

4)   Cloud based HR systems:

Be it a web application or a native application, SaaS apps play a key role in every sector including the Human Resource Department. Cloud-based applications are inevitable in today’s business environment. Collection and data storage have been so difficult until the evolution of cloud. With the advent of cloud technologies, all the information such as documents and other pertinent information can be easily accessed online. Employee information can be archived and organized in a secure location.

  However, before deploying cloud based solutions, it is required to understand whether the technology fits well for your current requirement and if it can add a real value to your business. One needs to weigh potential challenges against the benefits to understand whether cloud can overcome the business risks. Also, it is important to consider whether the business procedures can migrate with the cloud applications. By centralizing the data, the workflow and operations can be streamlined across the enterprise. Implementing cloud solutions can have a positive impact on various streams of operations ranging from product development, workforce management and business integration. Therefore, most enterprises are switching to cloud based applications.   

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