Career Advice

Funny Interview Questions actually asked

Funny Interview Questions actually asked

Funny Interview Questions actually asked

Every so often, an interviewer will throw you for a loop with an oddball question. Questions that you probably would have never expected to hear. You must be prepared with such odd/weird/unusual interview questions that have actually been asked during an interview.

1.”How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?”

Reason for Asking: Helps to know if you can think outside what’s traditional or normal. They expect the candidate to demonstrate an ability to problem-solve even under bizarre circumstances. Your answer can show you whether she’s capable of entering a new workplace environment and evaluating it fairly before offering solutions.

Typical Responses: “If I were on Mars, they’d likely have their own problems separate from those on Earth. First, I’d conduct research to determine cause and effect, and then I’d offer potential solutions.”

2.“What if someone asks you to join at “double” the pay we offer?”

Reason for Asking: By asking such burning questions, interviewers wanted to judge the clarity of thoughts and honesty in their opinions. Spontaneity is another factor under consideration in this case as taking a longer duration to answer enhances the odds of giving “framed answers.”

Typical Responses: “I would check out the deal for knowledge purpose, and tell them that I would not be interested in the deal given as I don’t require the extra money right now.”


3. “What is the one thing that you believe to be true that very few others do?”

Interviewers have recently inserted this tricky question just to see what candidates would say. The question shows you if a person answering the question has engaged in any sort of deep thought and also about how they approach business and life in general. There really is no right answer to the question moreover it just really shows you what level of thinking the person answering it is operating at. This is highly valuable if determining the candidate is an A, B, or C player.

4. “If I had an aeroplane full of jelly beans and I wanted you to get them all out, but in a very sanitary way so I could still eat them, what would you do? You have 24 hours to do this, but you have unlimited funds.” 

Asking Reason: The recruiter is judging your planning skills. He also wants to know what you would do in less time and more resources.

Ideal Response: “I would hire 2 cranes and put one on each side of the plane. I’d buy big inflatable pools and put them under each exit on the plane. I’d then connect the left crane to the plane’s left wing, and tip it up, making the jelly beans fall into the pools. I’d repeat the same process with the right crane and wing. There would be some jelly beans left, so I’d then hire a crew, in full hazmat outfits (just to drive the sanitary point home), to clean up the rest of the jelly beans.”

5. “Given a chance, would you sabotage a colleague’s career to climb up the ladder?”

The intention behind Asking: This question can reveal multiple insights about a professional whether it’s their integrity, honesty, work ethics or the value system. How far a person goes for the professional ladder speaks what culture can you expect in future. People answering in positive are most likely to promote negative competition, a toxic work culture while detesting collaboration and teamwork. Answering in negative, on the other hand, is the sign of an individual who believes in fairness and giving credit to the deserving people.


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