Career Advice

Top 10 Questions You Should Never Ask At The End Of A Job Interview

Top 10 Questions You Should Never Ask At The End Of A Job Interview

Top 10 questions you should never ask at the end of an interview


The competition in the market has increased considerably. Every interview attended by a job seeker is very important from his/her point of career aspect. Towards the end of an interview, almost every employer will ask, “Do you have any questions for me?”.

Ask questions, but make sure that they’re the right ones as it can leave the interviewer with a bad impression of you. There are so many do’s and don’ts for all kind of interviews irrespective of the domain. Especially, when it comes to the end of the interview where the job seeker gets a chance to speak out, it is very crucial to know how to take the end smoothly. An interview should always have a positive ending.


1.) Did I get the job?

– This question makes the interviewee appear impatient.

2.) I heard this rumor about the CEO. Is it true?  

– You should never bring gossip into the job interview. It’s highly unprofessional.

3.) What are the benefits like?

– It’s better to save this question for the end of the process when it’s more clear that you’ll receive a job offer.

4.) What does your company do?

– Questions like this will make you look unprepared. These questions demonstrate that you have not done your research beforehand on the company.

5.) Do you monitor emails or internet usage?

– This question will raise red flags, something you don’t want to do in the interview.

6.) Do you check social-media accounts?

– Asking whether employers will check accounts, raises huge red flags for the company, who may wonder if a candidate will be a threat to the company’s image.

7.) Will I have to work long hours?

– Questions about hours and extra work imply that you are hoping to work as little as possible.

8.) What happens if I don’t get along with my boss or coworkers?

– The interviewer may assume that you’re difficult to work with.

9.) How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?

– This question implies that you are not interested in the position for which you are applying and that you are merely waiting to move on to something better. Focus on the job at hand.

10.) How soon can I take a vacation?

– Asking about time off before getting a job offer implies that you are not going to be a fully committed employee.

Since now you know what not to ask, wish you all the best for your next interview.

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